
  • ely Mulyati Universitas Musi Rawas
  • Prans Bimantara Universitas Musi Rawas



Pekerjaan Atap, Tenaga Kerja, Produktivitas


Abstrak: Analisis Proktivitas Tenaga Kerja Pada Pekerjaan Atap. Tenaga kerja merupakan  salah satu sumber daya yang menjadi penentu keberhasilan suatu pekerjaan dan Produktivitas adalah  bagaimana menghasilkan atau meningkatkan hasil barang dan jasa setinggi mungkin dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya secara efisien. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penyebaran kuisioner dan  menggunakan perhitungan metode statistik dengan bantuan komputer program SPSS dari hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan terdapat 5 indikator tenaga kerja yang mempengaruhi antara lain (Disiplin, Pengalaman, Komunikasi,Upah Kerja Dan Usia) terhadap indikator dari produktivitas antara lain (Waktu Pekerjaan, Keserasian Dengan Target, Kesesuaian Dengan Perencana, Cuaca, Kesesuaian Keahlian).dan Dari hasil penelitian dan pengolahan data terdapat nilai dari hubungan indikator tenaga kerja terhadap produktivitas jika dilihat dari tabel Interpretasi koefisien korelasi Nilai r  diketahui bahwa nilai  0,643   berarti  nilai hubungan antara variabel tenaga kerja terhadap produktivitas yaitu dapat dinyatakan  KUAT. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan nilai t hitung sebesar 4,338 Dari data tersebut dibandingkan dengan nilai dari t tabel sebesar = 2,052  didapat bahwa tenyata t hitung lebih besar dari t tabel atau dikonversikan dengan nilai 4,338 > 2,052 maka artinya ada hubungan yang signifikat antara tenaga kerja dan produktivitas

Kata kunci: Pekerjaan Atap; Tenaga Kerja; Produktivitas

Abstract: Labor Productivity Analysis on Roofing Work. Labors are the resources that determines the success of a job and Productivity is how to produce or increase the results of goods and services as high as possible by utilizing resources efficiently. The aim of this research is to find out what indicators affect labor productivity and what is the relationship of the indicators that have been obtained to labor productivity. In this study, questionnaires were distributed and statistical calculation methods were used with the help of the SPSS computer program. From the results of the study, it was concluded that there were 5 labor indicators that influenced, among others (Discipline, Experience, Communication, Wage and Age) on indicators of productivity, including (Time Occupation, Conformity with Targets, Conformity with Planners, Weather, Appropriate Skills). And From the results of research and data processing there is a value of the relationship between labor indicators and productivity when seen from the table. labor to productivity, which can be stated as STRONG, the value of the contribution of labor to productivity is 41.35% and the remaining 58.65% is determined by other variables such as (worker health, managerial, work area, assistive facilities , delays in tools and materials, large volumes worked). Based on the calculation results, the t count value is 4.338. From these data, compared with the value from t table = 2.052, it is found that t count is greater than t table or converted with a value of 4.338 > 2.052, meaning that there is a significant relationship between labor and productivity.

Keyword: Roofing Work; Labors; Productivity


