Makna Filosofis, Dulohupa, Bantayo Pobo’ideAbstract
Abstrak: Makna Filosofis Rumah Adat Gorontalo (Dulohupa dan Bantayo Pobo’ide). Tujuan penelitian mengidentifikasi makna filosofis Rumah Adat Gorontalo. Metodeenelitian paradigma rasionalistik dengan lokasi Kota Gorontalo dan Kabupaten Limboto. Survey lapangan dilakukan pada bulan Januari – Februari 2016, dimulai dengan pengambilan data awal dilanjutkan dengan wawancara semi-terstruktur, observasi lapangan kemudian strukturisasi data, serta konfirmasi data dengan kenyataan dilapangan dan pandangan tokoh adat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa makna filosofis keduanya sama pada bagian atap, bagian paling atas melambangkan kepercayaan masyarakat suku Gorontalo terhadap Allah.SWT dan bagian bawah ketaatan pada adat istiadat budayanya.Makna filosofis yang lebih mengacu pada falsafah adat gorontalo yaitu “adati hula-hula’a to sara’a, sara’a hula-hula’a to kuru’ani” karena menurut tinjauan historis Gorontalo, raja pertama masuk Islam sehingga semua adat istiadat budayanya menganut ajaran Islam.
Abstract: Philosophical Meaning Of Gorontalo Traditional House (Dulohupa And Bantayoobo'ide). The research objective is to identify the philosophical meaning of the Gorontalo Traditional House. The research method is rationalistic paradigm with the location of Gorontalo City and Limboto Regency. The field survey was conducted in January – February 2016, starting with initial data collection followed by semi-structured interviews, field observations and then data structuring, as well as confirmation of data with realities in the field and the views of traditional leaders. The results show that the philosophical meaning of both is the same on the roof, the upper part symbolizes the belief of the Gorontalo tribal community towards Allah SWT and the lower part is obedience to their cultural customs. to sara'a, sara'a hula-hula'a to kuru'ani” because according to the historical review of Gorontalo, the first king converted to Islam so that all of his cultural customs adhered to Islamic teachings.